Tax Rebate Programs

#1   County/ Township Tax Rebate

The Property Tax Rebate Assistance Program is available to eligible PA residents.

Eligibility standards for these benefits include:

  • Eligible Pennsylvanians age 65 and older
  • Widows and widowers age 50 and older
  • Individuals with disabilities age 18 and older

The income limit is:

  • $45,000 a year for homeowners, and half of Social Security income is excluded.
  • For more information contact the Tax Collector or State Representative Tim Briggs, at 610-768-3135 ( for assistance

To apply, go here:

  • Note: Your application is due by June 30th of each year.

#2   School Tax Rebate

The Upper Merion Area School District Board of School Directors unanimously approved the extension of the existing property tax rebate program referenced above. This NEW rebate program will allow eligible homeowners to receive a rebate relating to their school taxes. The School Tax Rebate is in addition to the County/Township Tax Rebate.

To be eligible, you must first be approved for the County/Township Tax Rebate program referenced above. Once you are approved, go to this website for more information and the application to apply for the School Tax Rebate:  Business Office / Tax and Rent Rebate Program (